
Monday, December 14, 2015

2015 Driver Spotlight Review: Jimmie Johnson

Jimmie Johnson 2015 Review

By Richard Tix

Season Grade: A-

Season Preview: "Short answer, no it shouldn't be the fall of JJ. Some poor luck and bad finishes just hurt JJ more than they normally do. Also, a new Chase didn't help his cause as those poor finishes hurt him down the stretch. But, enough with the bad news for JJ fans. The bad news for other driver fans (and good news for JJ) is he will be back in 2015 and will be once again re motivated. As if a guy like JJ (runs marathons and triathlons) needs more motivation! His expectations will be the same as any other season, get to the Chase and be a favorite for the Title, I'm sure his only goal is to win another Championship so I don't see how these expectations would be too high for him. I could see another 3-4 wins, 10-13 top 5's, and 19-22 top 10's this season, but consistency will be key down the stretch."

Season Review: Jimmie Johnson ended the season with 5 wins, 14 top 5's, and 22 top 10's. JJ has won Cup Championships with numbers close to that before, but in 2015 he was an after thought when fans thought of the most dominate driver of the year.

2015 was a step in the right direction from a down year in 2014 (down year in JJ standards). However, the end results because of the new Chase were not much different. In 2014 he finished 11th in points and in 2015 he increased just one spot to 10th. Even if you just took points for the standings, JJ still would have only finished 6th which shows just how good the field was this season at the top.

It was once again a successful season, but I am sure in JJ's eyes he wants more. The new Chase is anything but easy, but its easy to forget JJ had only won one out of the last three Chases in the old format as well (Tony Stewart 2011 and Brad Keselowski 2012 the other two). 

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