
Friday, January 16, 2015

2015 Driver Spotlight Preview: Clint Bowyer

Clint Bowyer 2015 Season Preview

By Richard Tix

It's now 2015 and "spin gate" is towards the back of most NASCAR Fan's memory's, yet something has been hanging around Clint since then. What is still hanging around you say? Well, the fact that he has yet to win since that night in Richmond.

In fact, Bowyer has seemed to be in a complete slump since that race. I am sure this past season's results had nothing to do with those actions in 2013, but that image hasn't helped him during this slump. 

MWR as a whole just didn't seem to have "it" in 2014. The whole organization was under a microscope during and because of "spin gate." The team that looked like it was up and coming in the NASCAR world, one that I even thought might be a new power, fell back off the map in 2014.

Because of that night in Richmond the team lost Martin Truex Jr, NAPA as a sponsor, and its third car because of sponsors leaving. But, not all of there 2014 struggles came from still overcoming there shortfalls and corner cutting at Richmond. Some of the blame may rest on TRD as well. Just like JGR, it didn't seem like anyone racing in a Toyota had the speed they needed in 2014. Whether that was coming from the engines or the old body style Camary's, its not certain.

As I mentioned in the JGR Season Review, it seemed like maybe Toyota was holding back a bit because they knew they were going to a new body style in 2015. I know a team would never hold back for a whole year, but it almost seemed like JGR was holding there best cars for the Chase.

Unfortunately, Clint Bowyer didn't have the luxury of saving cars for the Chase, he needed to make the Chase. So, some of the shortfalls of 2014 maybe on him, but some could be on Toyota Racing Development as well. 2015 will be a big season for Bowyer and MWR.

Bold Predictions/2015 Season Expectations:
  • As I just mentioned, 2015 will be a big year for Clint. He is on a long win-less streak right now that spans the past two seasons (2014 and 2013). It has been 77 races since his last win, which is currently one of the most for a competitive top 20 driver right now. So, in 2015 he will have to prove again that he can still win on the Cup level. I think in 2015 he gets a step back and finishes with a win, 6-8 top 10's, and 17-19 top 10's, all of which would be uptick's from last season. 

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