
Monday, January 20, 2014

NASCAR's Change in the Making

NASCAR Hints at Possible Points Change in Cup

By Richard Tix

Big news broke out this past weekend from the NASCAR camp and Mr. France. I waited all weekend to sit down and start this article. One, I wanted to gather all my thoughts, and two, I wanted to gauge the opinions on Twitter and see what the NASCAR Pulse was thinking. (If you missed the news, here is a link with the basics of the potential change)

As normal, change did not come to the delight of many. Change is never an easy thing especially when it comes to NASCAR. I however, don't mind change, but I am on the side that doesn't like change for the sake of change. So is that what this potential move is? Or is France onto something?

Now, I come from a huge background of Sports fans. I have been following NASCAR since I was a wee little kid, my older brother grooming me in, but I also have been a fan of football, basketball, baseball, hockey, heck I have even dabbled in Soccer (I know, don't judge!). Anyways, point is I have watched way too many sporting events from my own health's sake. What I took from this is the memories of amazing come backs, last second wins, crazy tournaments and playoffs, drama that was created because of the situation teams or players were in.

Under the current system drama and excitement can happen, sure, but the way elimination works right now you don't even notice it. After 3 chase races Carl Edwards can be down by 65 points, in which case he is practically "eliminated," but where is the win or go home mentality in that? If the current points change were to come around, he would be fighting with 3 other drivers to make the next round, to fight another day. Sure, if you start out poorly you probably wont have a chance at the final four spots, but should you? NASCAR still wants to award the driver who is the most consistent at the end of the day, so running well in Chase races 1-9 will put you in a good position to win a Championship.

Now, I understand people who say under new rules one part malfunction can put you out of the running, but really it can in the points system now too. When you think about it, the first 1-9 races are the same except more drivers can get in (16) and you can be eliminated. When NASCAR gets to the last two races we have already narrowed the drivers who have a chance down to about three anyways. Why not add some excitement, even if a driver doesn't have a shot at the Championship he will still want to make the next round.

Think about this past season at Richmond, minus all the sketchy play, and how exciting that finish was. It was unscripted (or so we think) and just plan fun. Now think of every Chase race and the potential. With the new potential system that is possible every Chase race (will it happen? Probably not, but the potential is there).

One other thing I like is the fact that a win can get you in. Drivers will push harder and harder as the season goes on to get a win (think Auto Club, minus the crash). The little teams have something to shoot for instead of just being out there as fillers. If a small team can get in they could potentially bring in a new sponsor. More sponsors in NASCAR is never a bad thing to me. Maybe that little team can move up in the ranks and become a middle of the road team? Anything is possible. Right now they can shoot for the glory of that one trip to Victory Lane, but that is where it ends. no Cinderella, no chance of the underdog making the next round in the playoffs.

Now for the final part of the potential rules change, the last race.  I have been up and down on this last race. The way they announced the possible change it sounds like points would be wiped out for the last four drivers in the final race. At one point I thought, that's just not fair, and maybe it wont always award the most consistent driver in one given season, but it isn't like it will go to some guy who was 20th in points but won a race to get in, it will go to one of the top four drivers all season. In the end, isn't that what a playoff is?

If your sport is going to have a Playoff, which NASCAR calls the Chase, why not have eliminations like any other Playoff around the world? I see this as an improvement overall for the Chase. If NASCAR is sticking to the Chase format why not make it a real playoff not just something posing as one? If NASCAR only wants to award the driver most consistent all season then do away with the Chase altogether.

Now, with any change there will be ups and downs in the new system. Like I said, I was once on the edge about the final race for everything, but go big or go home, right? I do however feel if NASCAR goes this points route, they need to look into changing the last race from year to year. Weather at this time of the year is a big issue, but there should be a few tracks they can rotate to at least give it a better look then Miami every year. The main reason I want this? Well because some drivers are great at Miami without trying, and others will just never be good there, so it puts way to big of strain on just that race. I mean, if you are going to wipe out points for the final four races you cant also put the pressure on these drivers that they have to be good at just that one track every year. Move a Las Vegas, Texas, or Phoenix into the last spot and rotate it with Miami. At least you get variety and drivers have to win the final win or go home race at a different track. Also, this may bring some extra fans back out to the tracks for those races. Being there when no one knows who is going to be the Champion is way more enticing then knowing the Champ after Chase race #8.

Maybe the final four drivers shouldn't be even points to start the last race? To award the driver who was most consistent during races 1-9 of the Chase maybe a few bonus points should be tiered off. Say 1st starts with 6 extra points, 2nd 4 extra, 3rd 2 extra, and last of the four starts at zero. This would still make it easy enough for a driver to win from second or third, but also an underdog could win from fourth, but the points are still close enough these guys have to push for the win.

As with any change, it comes with some harsh criticism. I am normally not on NASCAR's side when they change stuff because it always seems to happen too often. In this case I do like the general idea. Unfortunately NASCAR needs something and that's why they're in this situation, the target market isn't getting any younger. NASCAR is looking for a change to turn that around, and I think a real playoff could help. It brings interest back to a week to week basis and during the regular season an emphasis on winning. If this points change comes around it could be a new Era in NASCAR and maybe that keeps this sport going strong. This is what NASCAR might need for those last second shot style dramatic finishes that seemed to have been diminishing in racing over the past years.

Lets hear it Twitter! Everyone has there opinion and is entitled to them. What do you think? Do you like it? Are you not sure? Hate it? What's your reasons?

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