
Thursday, December 29, 2016

2016 NASCAR Driver Spotlight Review: Ryan Newman

Ryan Newman 2016 Review

Image result for 2016 ryan newman nascar

By Richard Tix

Season Grade: D+

Season Preview: "I expect to see a lot of the same for Newman in 2016. If you look back at his career (minus his hot streak to start between 2002-2004) he has been pretty steady. It is safe to assume he will finish without a win again, with 5-6 top 5's, and 15-17 top 10's. The biggest question is can he make the new Chase three out of three seasons? I think he and the #31 team have it figured out and will once again get in on points if they do not squeak out a trip to VL. He still made it in 2015 even with the points deduction from his team manipulating his tires."

Season Review: 2016 was not a great season for Newman and Co. It was hands down one of his worst statistical seasons in around eight years. Even if you date back to his 2008 season, at least he put up a win that year.

Gone are the days where Newman used to be good for a win a season as he now has three straight season's without a win. However, he still had a consistent season overall. This time the consistency came without top 5's and top 10's and ended with Newman missing the Chase once again.

Newman will look to bounce back in 2017 after posting near career lows in top 5's and top 10's in 2016.

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