
Friday, December 18, 2015

2015 Driver Spotlight Review: Ryan Newman

Ryan Newman 2015 Review

By Richard Tix

Season Grade: C

Season Preview: "It's not bold, but I will put it out there and say I don't think he will make the Finale again. Having said that, I think he has a shot to get back in the win column this season, but as a whole the season might not be as smooth. At this point in his career he is expected to at least make the Chase. I think a win, 5-7 top 5's, and 14-16 top 10's should be plausible."

Season Review: Man, I have got to stop predicting Newman to get a win. I didn't think one win would be so hard, but he just doesn't seem to be getting speed anymore. Maybe some of it does have to do with RCR, but he is also not exactly in his prime.

Yet, every season he continues to bring in consistent finishes. He almost had an identical season to 2014 except some of his none top 10 finishes were not as quality as they were in 2014, bringing his average finish from 12.7 down to 13.5.

Still, Newman only had one more top 10 in 2014 (16) and the same amount of top 5's (5). Yet, because of how his Chase shook out he finished 11th in points and did not get a Finale berth like he did last season. Overall it wasn't a lost season, but he and RCR really need to start finding more speed if they want a shot at a Championship.

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