
Friday, January 16, 2015

2015 Driver Spotlight Preview: Austin Dillon

Austin Dillon 2015 Season Preview

By Richard Tix

I still am not sure what to make of Austin Dillons 2014 season and what it means going forward. He was in a huge rookie class and ended up losing the rookie of the year battle to Kyle Larson, but he also didn't have a terrible first season.

He ended the season with 1 top 5, 4 top 10's, and an average finish of 17.5, but the bigger story was his consistency. He didn't put up eye opening stats and didn't have many flashes of brilliance like Larson did, but he still put up 17 top 15's and 27 top 20's on his way to a 20th place points finish. In fact, at one point it looked like he or Larson may squeak into the Chase on points. 

But, going forward will those top 15's turn into top 10's? Will those top 20's turn into top 15's? 

Bold Predictions/2015 Season Expectations:
  • I think year two Dillon will take a good step in the right direction. That consistency has to pay off eventually and I thing RCR will be at least as strong as last year. I am not sure he will get his first career win, but I do think 3-4 top 5's and 5-8 top 10's is easily attainable. I do think he has a high side of putting up 10+ top 10's, but realistically I think its safer to say he will be lower. He might take over 2015 as the second best driver at RCR after Ryan Newman.

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