
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

2014 Driver Spotlight Review: Ryan Newman

Ryan Newman 2014 Review

By Richard Tix

Season Preview

Season Grade: B

"In 2014 Newman will be set to start fresh at Richard Childress Racing in the #31 Chevy. Newman is hoping a change in scenery will help him bounce back to the once promising career he had (He had 8 total wins in 2003). We have seen team changes work out for the best in the past, most recently with Matt Kenseth this past season. They can also be the last stop in a drivers career if it doesn't work out. So the next few years will be important for Ryan Newman and RCR." -Preseason Preview

Fast forward past the 2014 Driver Spotlight Preview, Newman has just finished his first season with RCR. It's easy to say he didn't have a bounce back, break out type season that guys like Matt Kenseth had in 2013, or Kevin Harvick had in 2014, but I don't think all was lost.

In fact, Newman took advantage of the new Chase system and with a solid season and very few terrible finishes he found himself in the Finale at Homestead-Miami. Some fans were upset with Newman in the Finale (many might be more accurate). He still had a chance to win his first NASCAR Championship without a win.

I think if he would have finished the highest at Miami most NASCAR fans would have had a hard time taking it. I may have even had a tough time and I have liked Newman since he days with Dodge and Penske. But, it didn't happen and I like the fact that you can get to the Finale in many different ways. If a favorite wins the next five years (assuming the Chase stays the same) and a guy like Newman wins the sixth year I think it will be easier to swallow. That's because I think some fans might come around to the possibility of a Cinderella or underdog after they see a majority of years a favorite wins.

But, lets move back to Newmans season and how he went as far as he did. Newman only had four finishes above 20th. Only 10 of his finishes were outside the top 15 all year. So, he may have only had 5 top 10's, but he had a total of 26 top 15 runs all season and didn't have many of those crippling 35th or higher finishes. In 2003 he won 8 races with an average finish of 13.9. In 2014 Newman had a career best average finish position of 12.7, which is better then that of his great 2003 season.

So, no NASCAR fans, winning isn't everything. It goes to show you can still get to the end with good points days, but at some point that may not be enough. All in all Ryan had a consistent season when his teammates struggled to put together back to back good finishes. If RCR gets a bit more speed in 2015 maybe he can notch a win or two again.

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