
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Driver Spotlight: Carl Edwards (Preseason Addition)

Carl Edwards 2014 Preview

By Richard Tix

The 2013 season started and it looked like it would be Carl Edwards year. He had a rough 2012 season which he couldn't wait for to end. After the second race of the 2013 Carl had done something he hadn't achieved in 2012, Win. From there on out Edwards stayed towards the top of the standings week after week.

Then something happened, the Chase started. All of a sudden Carl Edwards was wondering where the finishes that the early season went. Carl fell so far off he finished 13th when NASCAR only lets in 12 Chase competitors (Just kidding, they let in 13 in 2013).

So 2013 started and it looked like Carl would be the bounce back candidate of the year, but after his Chase results it looks like Carl will be in the running for that again. 2014 will be year two in the Gen-6 car and Ford should make some kind of improvement. If Ford does find more speed in 2014 it should mean Carl can get back off to a fast start but will he continue it this time?

Let me know what you think! Contact me on Twitter. Will Carl contend in 2014? Will he make the Chase? If so can he pull it together this year? Will Ford find speed in 2014? Let the count down to Daytona continue!

Past Driver Spotlights

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